
The Baby Without A BALD spot

The Baby Without A BALD spot


Allow us to introduce ourselves to get better acquainted. My name is DaRai. My mother, Yvonne, and I founded Kraddle Kare from the love of pregnant ladies and babies. You can say that our story began to evolve back in 2001.


I’ll never forget. Our family was excited about the arrival of my baby cousin. He was born one Friday in March and everyone was in love. Then, the unthinkable happened when his mother died that very next Friday only spending one week nurturing her newborn baby boy. Yvonne selflessly helped out her brother, Tony, by raising her nephew for several years.


Kraddle Kare

Baby Cameron was born with a head full of the prettiest curly hair you’d ever seen and then he ended up with the unsightly BALD SPOT. I was 15 at this time and Cameron and I had a special bond. He was my little baby and I took care of him. BUT was I the cause of his BALD SPOT?

Now, fast forward to 2013 when I was pregnant with my baby girl Raiya. My doctor already assured me that she would be born with a full head of hair upon physical exam. All I could think about was my cousin’s bald spot and I instantly became OBSESSED with wanting to protect my unborn daughter’s hair from the common infant balding.

After months of research and learning the exact cause of infant balding we went on a shopping frenzy to find the perfect product. We soon discovered that there was not a product available to meet our needs and therefore, the Kraddle Kap satin bonnet was born.



Healthy Hair Starts With Kraddle Kare


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